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Safeguarding Takatāpui/Rainbow People
of Faith in Aotearoa New Zealand

About the Survey

This project is led by five Christians who have created this 'Safe Faiths' survey because they are concerned that there is little or no research or quantitative data that explores whether Takatāpui/Rainbow people of faith feel safe attending their church or faith community. The results of this survey will be used to raise awareness of issues faced by Takatāpui/Rainbow people of faith in Aotearoa New Zealand and to support Takatāpui/Rainbow advocacy work, both within the church and more widely.


It is important for us that this project is as inclusive as possible. Although the primary focus of this survey relates to experiences of Christian communities, we have chosen to use the phrase ‘faith community’ in order to capture the wide variety of Christian experience, which include church communities, worship spaces, and other places where people of faith gather. Please feel free to respond to the survey questions thinking about your own community of faith and faith spaces.


This project replicates a 2021 survey that was conducted in the UK and carried out by the Ozanne Foundation and a coalition of nine Rainbow Christian organisations. It was overseen by an independent academic research advisor. This survey gathered Rainbow Christian perspectives on how safe they felt within the churches they attended. More information about this survey is available here. The Ozanne Foundation has given us permission to replicate their survey and to modify it to suit our context of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Click here to take the survey

Who can take the survey?

This survey is open to all people of faith over the age of 16 in Aotearoa New Zealand who attend Christian faith community gatherings, would like to attend Christian faith community gatherings, or who choose not to attend such gatherings.


We use the term ‘Takatāpui/Rainbow’ here to describe anyone who identifies with a minority sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

Where to get help

If something causes you distress when or after you do the survey, you can also get support from these free and confidential places:

  • Call or free text 1737 any time to talk to a trained counsellor.

  • Call LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54) or free text HELP (4357) any time to talk to a trained counsellor.

  • Call OUTline NZ (0800 688 5463) any evening from 6-9pm, or email them at

  • Or contact one of our Chaplains to set up a time for a korero.


Contact details

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this survey, you can contact:

Rev’d Dr Paul Reynolds (Principal Investigator) at

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